Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Precautions for riding a bike

     Accidents have become a rule on Indian roads and a majority of the accidents see motorbikes involved. There is more than one reason for it. No doubt riding a bike is good fun, but it is reckless driving with no regards for safety of self and others that is responsible for motorbike accidents. Remember to follow these suggestions when you are on a bike next time. Should everyone do this, we will see fewer accidents on the road.

Head gear and clothing:
Make sure you wear the appropriate helmet as imposed by the law whenever you take out your bike. Secure the helmets by fastening them under your chin.
Wear appropriate clothes for better visibility during night. It is better not to wear dark clothes during night driving since it adversely affects your visibility.
When going for long trips, it is better to wear denim clothes, bike jackets and shoes. If possible wear hand gloves also.

Never go with more than prescribed number of passengers. Again, should the law specify so, make sure the pillion also wears helmet.

Seating position:
The rider and the pillion need to sit astride a bike resting their feet on the pegs provided for the same. Rider should have both his hands on handlebars while riding. And for quick reflex, it is better to keep at least two fingers in the front brake lever.

Do not carry too much luggage with you while driving. Carrying over load will adversely affect handling of a motorbike.

Riding in traffic:
A motorbike doesn’t offer you protection with airbags, seat belts or crumple zones. It’s only your sensible riding that can take you safely. Ride with traffic consciousness even on a road with little or no traffic. Getting some hands on training is always recommended before you ride on the road.
Zigzag driving is dangerous in traffic and avoid that. Lane driving is an art and learn that. Stick to your lane while overtaking and when taking turns.

Giving right signals helps you ward of accidents. It’s a good practice to signal ahead of time so others on the road are aware of your turns and moves.

Slow speed zones:
Abide by the slow speed rules near hospitals and schools.

Some miscellaneous precautions:
Never take a motorbike on road without a valid driver license. It is illegal to do so and will lead you to unnecessary troubles.
Don’t ever turn the ignition switch off during riding and when you park the bike make sure the steering handlebar is locked to avoid theft of the bike.
Never park the vehicle when the gear is in neutral position. Shift the gear to first gear.
Do not touch the exhaust muffler as soon as you stop the motorbike.

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